Programme and Course Learning Outcomes

PLO- Programme learning outcomes of B.Ed. Course
On successful completion of the program the prospective teachers will be able to,
Programme Outcome 01:
Master in pedagogical knowledge, professional competencies and skills to become as a competent teacher
Programme Outcome 02:
Proficient in fundamental ICT skills indispensable for personal and professional development
Programme Outcome 03:
Competent to amalgamate various methods, strategies and approaches in teaching learning process
Programme Outcome 04:
Appreciate philosophical, sociological, cultural, political and environmental perspectives of
Programme Outcome 05:
Motivate for lifelong learning and continuing education for professional development
Programme Outcome 06:
Sensitize the effective ways in anticipating and solving the social problems and challenges of
transforming society.
Programme Outcome 07:
Analyze the trends, issues and challenges facing in the contemporary education system.
Programme Outcome 08:
Proficient to apply the knowledge of educational management and administration in academic planning, organization and decision making
Programme Outcome 09:
Acquire democratic and social values of an ideal teacher there by inspire the learners
Programme Outcome 10:
Acquaint with the prominent role of educational psychology in identifying the individual differences of the learners and in facilitating their learning.